Twas the Night of Improv Before Christmas Tickets

Time to purchase tickets for ‘Twas the Night of Improv Before Christmas!

$35 includes Chicken Dinner, desert, coffee/tea and hilarious entertainment from the championship winning CKSS Improv Team.

Tickets available here:

Aktion Club Bowling and Pizza Party

Christmas Party – Sarnia-Lambton Golden K Kiwanis

Sheila Donald would like to extend an invitation to our membership to join the members of the Sarnia-Lambton Golden K Kiwanis at their annual Christmas Party to be held on Tuesday, Dec. 10th from 9:30am – 12:30pm at Trinity Anglican Church, 1194 Murphy Rd. Sarnia.  Music, trivia, food and fellowship is our theme.

Please advise of numbers no later than Friday, Dec. 6th so we can order the appropriate number of sandwiches.  R.S.V.P. to Archie Kerr  ( and Sheila ( with your numbers.   If possible, please bring along a non-perishable item for the Inn of the Good Shepherd and a small tray of Christmas goodies.

Volunteer Opportunities

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