Month: September 2022

Support for Water Festival

The club donated $1000 to the Chatham-Kent & Lambton Children’s Water Festival. This year the festival will be held from October 4 – 6 at the C.M. Wilson Conservation Area. If you would like to volunteer during that… Read More

Nominations Officers 2022-2023

The nominations committee had exciting news during our meeting of Sept 8. We have a full slate of nominations for the executive 2022-2023. The vote will be during our upcoming meeting on September 21st.

Introducing MFS

For the new season our Committee has chosen for a new and more secure system for the administration of our festival. This system is called Music Festival Suite (MFS) and has been used by many festivals in Canada…. Read More

September Update

Happy Labour Day weekend everyone! As a retired teacher, this always seemed like New Year’s to me but I must confess to a great relief that I am not preparing to return to schools on Tuesday. There are… Read More