Win a trip to Chicago

Prizes for best costume and somebody will leave with a trip to Chicago (or cash equivalent). Snack Bar prices like its 1929. Come dress up and finish your Valentines Day flashing back to 1929

In Memoriam Austin Hadlock

Austin was a dedicated Kiwanis member for nearly 21 years, having joined the Chatham Golden K on October 16, 2003. He volunteered his time creating and sending out bulletins from 2009-2023 and as the Bingo Chairperson from 2013-2023…. Read More

Kiwanis supports Goodfellows

Last night the Kiwanis Club of Chatham-Kent had the pleasure of attending the Chatham Goodfellows Annual Dinner. It was so inspiring to see such a special group of people whose goals are helping kids. Clare Latimer our President-Elect… Read More